About me

My Terberg F1350 was published in the English magazine 'Truck Model World' (september 1993) at the 'Readers' Models'-page.

I have built trucks in commission, but You don't have the so called 'modellers license'. And most of time there is a deadline. No, I rather built trucks I like (so many ideas and plans to do...). Modelling stood still for about twenty years. In that time I built and repeared computers and unlocked cellphones. In 2009 I visited the International Modelshow at Jabbeke, Belgium. I was looking forward to build again when I came home. I bought an Italeri Scania R620 and started to build, with a Photoshopped picture as a reference.


Real model
When I took part at the modelshow at Jabbeke in 2011 with this model, I got so many good comments. From that time I'm building trucks again with passion for modelling!!!
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